An Early but Brief Start of the Monsoon

The North American Monsoon got an early start in northern Arizona this year with copious amounts of precipitation over the San Francisco Peaks and surrounding areas. Unfortunately, we are now experiencing an extended monsoon break with mostly clear skies and hot temperatures.

Here are some photograph taken during that wet period.

A partial rainbow over Upper Lake Mary near Flagstaff, Arizona.
A partial rainbow over Upper Lake Mary near Flagstaff, Arizona.
The rainbow is gone but sunset colors are seen in the clouds and the reflection in the lake.
The rainbow is gone but sunset colors are seen in the clouds and the reflection in the lake.
A partial rainbow over the grasslands of Wupatki National Monument.
A partial rainbow over the grasslands of Wupatki National Monument.
A zoomed-in segment of the rainbow showing supernumary bows.
A zoomed-in segment of the rainbow showing supernumary bows.
Sunset at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Sunset at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.

Here are the June rainfall totals from the Flagstaff rain gauge network.

June rainfall totals for the Flagstaff raingage network.
June rainfall totals for the Flagstaff raingage network.

Comet C/2023 P1 Nishamura

This comet was discovered by Japanese amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura. It was briefly visible in the morning twilight but became increasingly difficult as it got closer to the sun and was lost in the glare. It will very briefly be the evening sky this week but, again, the glare of the Sun may make it difficult to see.

Here are a few images taken in the pre-dawn hours on 08 September. In the foreground is Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.

Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura at 0449 MST 08 September 2023.
Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura at 0449 MST 08 September 2023.
A tight crop of the previous image.
A tight crop of the previous image.
Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura at 0454 MST 08 September 2023. This is just a few minutes later than the previous image but the sky is already getting very bright.
Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura at 0454 MST 08 September 2023. This is just a few minutes later than the previous image but the sky is already getting very bright.

Nikon D750, 85mm, f/2.8, ISO 3200, 10×3 seconds and stacked usingĀ Starry Landscape StackerĀ to reduce noise.


Monsoon–July 2023

A double rainbow arches above Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
A double rainbow arches above Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.

The North American Monsoon (NAM) has been slow to get started this year. A general rule of thumb is it gets going around the 4th of July and is considered late (but still normal) by mid-July. Likewise an early start can occur as early as mid June–as it did last year.

Composite image of late afternoon lightning strikes over the grasslands of Wupatki National Monument.
Composite image of late afternoon lightning strikes over the grasslands of Wupatki National Monument.
A segment of a rainbow over Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
A segment of a rainbow over Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Several lightning clusters that occurred during twilight at Wupatki National Monument.
Several lightning clusters that occurred during twilight at Wupatki National Monument.

During the month of July the GFS weather forecast model consistently showed the NAM getting started “Real Soon Now.” But the target was always several days away. Finally, late in the month the rains arrived as anĀ inverted trough (IVT; def. 2) moved across Arizona.

Lightning over the San Francisco Peaks with Marshall Lake in the foreground.
Lightning over the San Francisco Peaks with Marshall Lake in the foreground.
Lightning touches down deep in Grand Canyon.
Lightning touches down deep in Grand Canyon.

There have been some photogenic storms. A little over aĀ week ago I traveled to the South Rim of Grand Canyon hoping to get some lightning. Although there were some flashes they were far away. On the other hand, the sunset was pretty good. A band of clouds just above the horizon effectively blocked the Sun at my location while beams of light were getting under the clouds and into the canyon farther to the west. The alternating beams of light and shadow were pretty nice.

Beams of light and shadow filter deep into Grand Canyon.
Beams of light and shadow filter deep into Grand Canyon.
Beams of light and shadow filter deep into Grand Canyon.
Beams of light and shadow filter deep into Grand Canyon.

The following day I went to Wupatki National Monument in hopes of lightning and rainbows. There was a late afternoon storm that moved towards the Monument and produced a lot of lightning. As it got closer it weakened but was still dropping rain and a short time later a beautiful, full double rainbow appeared. All I needed to do was position myself so that I could get the rainbow arch to frame Wukoki Pueblo.

Time lapse of convection developing over the San Francisco Peaks with Marshall Lake in the foreground.

A new storm formed to my southeast as twilight came on and began to produce a lot of lightning. This was the 3rd act of the day and it was a good one.

Later in the week I took a short drive to Marshall Lake near Flagstaff to time lapse the early stages of convection over the San Francisco Peaks–and with some reflections in the waters of the lake. A few lightning bolts landed near the peaks adding to the show.

A few more trips to Grand Canyon rounded out the month.

And, now, the monsoon is on hiatus again.

Wupatki National Monument with Snow

There was plenty of snow in January and some events produced snow at lower elevations — including Wupatki National Monument. So I found myself at the monument in time for sunrise one morning. There was less snow that I hoped to see but still enough to add some drama to the ancient pueblos in the park.

Sunrise at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Sunrise at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Wukoki Pueblo with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.
Wukoki Pueblo with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.

After leaving Wukoki Pueblo I went to Lomaki Pueblo.

Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.
Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.

And, finally, this tuft of grass with snow.

Tuft of grass with snow.
Tuft of grass with snow.

Lightning over Wupatki National Monument

Lightning at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.

It was only a few days ago that I photographed an evening barrage of lightning over the San Francisco Peaks and the Cinder Hills. Those photographs were taken from Wupatki National Monument—right at the entrance pullout off of Highway 89. And, now I found myself in this same location shooting lighting from an early afternoon series of thunderstorms—except looking in the other direction across vast grasslands.

Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wupatki National Monument.

The most amazing lightning strike of the day occurred before I had set up the gear. The bolt landed miles away from the storm in a sunny area. This was a classic “bolt from the blue” and would have surprised anyone in that location. The radar image below shows the bolt landing a fair distance from the storm.

Lightning continued in this direction for more than an hour. As the storms would move to the northeast newer storms would develop north of the San Francisco Peaks and move over Wupatki National Monument.

Lightning at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lightning at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Storms move to the distant northeast at sunset.
Storms move to the distant northeast at sunset.

After shooting at this location for awhile I decided to reposition to Wukoki Pueblo with hopes that lightning to the north would continue and I could get photographs with lightning and the pueblo. I was not disappointed.

24-hour lightning plot ending 1000 MST 12 September 2021.
24-hour lightning plot ending 1000 MST 12 September 2021.
Radar with lightning overlay for 1304 MST 11 September 2021.
Radar with lightning overlay for 1304 MST 11 September 2021.

Again, storms would move to the northeast and then be replaced by new storms from the southwest. This went on for several hours. The lightning plot above shows how many lightning strikes there were in this region during the afternoon.

I had hoped that thunderstorms and lightning would continue through sunset and twilight but it was not to be. Eventually, newer storms stopped developing and the other storms moved far to the northeast.