Wupatki National Monument with Snow

There was plenty of snow in January and some events produced snow at lower elevations — including Wupatki National Monument. So I found myself at the monument in time for sunrise one morning. There was less snow that I hoped to see but still enough to add some drama to the ancient pueblos in the park.

Sunrise at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Sunrise at Wukoki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Wukoki Pueblo with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.
Wukoki Pueblo with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.

After leaving Wukoki Pueblo I went to Lomaki Pueblo.

Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument.
Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.
Lomaki Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument with the San Francisco Peaks in the distance.

And, finally, this tuft of grass with snow.

Tuft of grass with snow.
Tuft of grass with snow.